Saturday, September 5, 2015

36 Weeks

How hard could writing about 10 weeks BE? Well, I just went an entire month without writing an entry... so read into that what you will.

Here's what's been going on around here:

All the nesting. I cleaned our room/bathroom last weekend, folded and put away all of the laundry I had been storing in the living room (about 8 baskets' worth - don't judge me), and washed/sorted all of baby girls' clothes by size. I also went to a sale at Goodwill and got a ton of baby clothes for 75 cents per piece, all in great condition.

So far this weekend the kitchen has gotten a complete scrub down and I'm working on getting more laundry done. My ultimate plans for the long weekend are to: unpack the swing, get the travel system set up and ready to go just in case of early labor, pack my hospital bag, get a pedicure, finish up decorating the "nursery" (i.e. - her corner of our room), and FINALLY write out the rest of the thank-you cards for the baby shower.
Baby has been growing like a weed. As of last week the ultrasound was estimating she weighs about 5 lbs, 12 oz. Things are looking good for a successful VBAC delivery; at this point, doctor says I just have to go into labor and we'll see how things progress. I'll be having another ultrasound next Tuesday, so I'm hoping everything looks good, and she's still head down.

I guess that's all I've got today - hope you all are doing well.

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking of you this morning and wondering where you've been! 36 weeks... seems like you'll be having that little girl any time now... and you're not THAT far ahead of me. That's scary. I haven't nested or anything, maybe after our shower.
